Design Thinking
* No es solamente el business model canvas y kanban
* superior solutions, lower risks and costs of change, and employee buy-in
* Superior solutions
* Interesting questions
* Unconventional solutions
* User driven criteria
* Diverse choices
* Lower risks and costs
* Portfolio of options
* Tradeoffs
* Employee buy in
* Trade offs
* Loyalty
* Structure
* Activities
* Cannot be linear or structured
* Organization can drive to fear of action, fear of mistakes
* Understanding and molding to costumers
* Costumer discovery
* Job to be done
* Meaningful journey
* Immersion
* Focus groups
* Shaping the journey
* Identify needs
* Strengths and pleasures
* Sense making
* Pick the most important information
* Make sure there are multiple perspectives to eliminate biases
* Untie themes into clusters
* Share insight
* Alignment
* Spirit of the team
* Questioning the status quo
* Idea generation
* Emergence
* Articulation
* What is feasible
* Implicit assumptions
* Testing experience
* Prototype
* Pre-experience
* Minimum viable products
* Learning in action
* Shift the focus to human behaviour
* Focus on backward data or risky bets based on instincts
* Inventive future: immersive in peoples lives, form theories, observation
* Test ideas prototype and adjust, good enough product or service
* Bring the product to live
* Resources to distribute, sell, activities, capabilities, commercialization,
* Imaginative to identify new strategies
* Better understanding the belief system of consumers
* Risk earns respect