“Time is linear. It does not scale.”
When that’s someone’s opening statement, you know it’s going to be a great interview. (And we weren’t disappointed.)
Roy Firestein joined us on the 1to10 podcast to discuss how to move from a service-based company to a product-based company.
Roy is the Chief Product Officer at Cycura, where they deliver offensive (and defensive) cybersecurity services. He’s a seasoned hacker, co-founder of HackStudent and autohost.ai, and an Advisory Board Member of SecTor (Security Education Conference Toronto).
When he came aboard Cycura, his top priority was to help the company scale by developing a product offering. The company had successfully found vulnerabilities within the infrastructure of many of the largest tech companies in the world (such as Google, Facebook, & Microsoft, and others), but the leadership knew that without a product to supplement their service offerings, it would be difficult to move past a few million in revenue.
So, Roy’s on a mission to productize their services. He shared 5 vital steps to moving your company from a service-only company to a product-based business:
On this episode, Roy also suggests a book called Your Brain at Work, by David Rock)