I believe “Dad Guilt” is one of the main reasons for men’s disengagement & passivity in the family as well as sidestepping any type of spiritual leadership at home. Learn how you can overcome it and re-engage in your family.
On this podcast, you’ll learn
- What 1Cor. 11:4 meant when it warned Men not to pray with their head covered
- How King David’s lack of engagement made matters worse in his family relationships
- How to overcome guilt from failures through faith
- How you can gain confidence and strength to re-engage in your family again
I will read an excerpt from my book Fatherhood Faceplants-
Chapter 15- Live Uncovered - Dads must overcome Guilt to engage.
If you’d like to pick up a copy of Fatherhood Faceplants go to Amazon
This podcast originally aired: Sept. 12, 2022- Title: Live Uncovered