In this episode of The Curbsiders Podcast, the team delves into the recently updated breast cancer screening recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) with Dr. Wanda Nicholson (@wnicholsonobgyn), an expert in preventive medicine, diversity, equity and inclusion, and women's health and the Chair of the Task Force. Join us as we review the newest screening mammography recommendations, evidence for earlier screening for all women, the challenge of dense breast findings, and more. Importantly, we discuss disparities in breast cancer outcomes and the need to better understand and address them.
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Show Segments
Intro and Guest BackgroundCaseUpdated Breast Cancer Screening RecommendationsRationale for screening ageConsiderations for findings of dense breastsBalancing benefits and harmsRacial disparitiesResearch GapsOutro
Producer, writer, show notes, infographic, and cover art: Fatima Syed MDHosts: Paul Williams MD, FACP and Fatima Syed MD Reviewer: Emi Okamoto MDShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPasteGuest: Wanda Nicholson MD, MBA, MPH