Management and Ongoing Monitoring of Thyroid Neoplasms
Join us as we dive deep into the approach for thyroid nodules with our two fantastic guests, Dr. Kaniksha Desai (Stanford Medicine) and Dr. Ana Chindris (Mayo Clinic)! Learn how to stratify these nodules for cancer risk and walk alongside our patients during treatment for thyroid cancer.
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Show Segments
Intro, guest biosCase From KashlakThyroid nodule evaluation and managementThyroid cancer diagnosis and treatmentGLP-1s relationship to thyroid nodules and cancerOutro
Writer, producer, show notes, infographic, cover art: Alise Burke, MD Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP Reviewer: Emi Okamoto MDShowrunners: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACPTechnical Production: PodPasteGuest: Kaniksha Desai MD and Ana Chindris MD
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