The elements that make up the universe are the same that combine to form the 3 Ayurvedic doshas that govern the structure and function of the body…
Air and Space combines to make Vata
Fire and Water combine to make Pitta
Water and Earth combine to make KaphaTo understand the physiological activities and implications of the Dosha is difficult without understanding the elements which cause that dosha. So, let us discuss them individually in brief.
Space: Clear, Light, Subtle, Soft, Immeasurable, Expansive
Air: Mobile, Dry, Light, Cold, Rough, Subtle
Fire: Hot, Sharp, Light, Dry, Subtle, Illuminating, Transformative
Water: Cold, Flowing, Unctous(Moist), Liquid, Smooth, Adhesive(Sticky)
Earth: Heavy, Dense, Hard, Stable/Static, Slow moving, InertiaMeet Dr. Anup:
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