Next time someone upsets you, I want to challenge you to ask yourself a few questions.
What exactly is bothering you? What part of this is the story you created and what is fact? Is there a negative core belief associated with your story? Is the situation reflecting something within yourself that you do not like? Are you able to see the situation as an opportunity to go within and explore your inner struggles?
When I ask myself questions like this, I automatically feel lighter. The more I practice it, the faster I am able to analyze a situation and see the correlation between my inner dialogue and my external reality. Most of the time, It will boil down to me withholding love from myself or me not feeling worthy of it.
I have to constantly remind myself that I am worthy of it all, that I am loveable, and give myself some grace. I make an active decision to choose love. I will choose love in how I interact with myself and others. At the end of the day, love is the answer.
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Con mucho amor,
Daisy Anne