Letters to Women - Exploring the Feminine Genius

A Letter to the Wife Struggling to Believe Her Body is Fearfully and Wonderfully Made // Rebekah Olson

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In this second episode of the Letters to Wives season, Rebekah Olson and I are talking about what it looks like to run a business with your spouse—and her business, Ginger and Peach, happens to be a model-free lingerie company that she started out of her one room bedroom apartment.

Now she and her husband run a team of seamstresses all sewing from their homes in the US - and they partner with an ethical manufacturer in Nepal to bring fresh starts and fulfilled lives to women living in the margins.

We’re talking about her company, her advice if you’re listening in and think that there’s no way you could ever be confident in lingerie, and she’s dismantling some of the lies that we believe about our bodies as wives. 

So if you’ve a wife looking to ditch the comparison and embrace your true worth as wonderfully made and loved, this letter is for you.

Topics we cover:

  • Rebekah’s story as a woman and a wife

  • The origin story of Ginger & Peach Lingerie

  • How Rebekah honors the dignity and beauty of each woman by running a model-free lingerie company

  • Why you don’t actually need lingerie to heal your body image or to have a great marriage - and what DOES bring healing in your heart

  • Body image as one of the very first issues women face after the fall and how Jesus brings relationship and redemption

  • How Rebekah’s husband, Andrew, spoke the truth over her desire to start a business and inspired her to become a lingerie designer

  • The lies that we believe as women when it comes to our bodies and shame

  • Resources for you:

    • Explore Ginger & Peach collections on their website and use the code LETTERSTOWOMEN for 10% off any purchase

    • Follow Ginger & Peach on Instagram

    • Habits for a Sacred Home by Jennifer Pepito

    • Subscribe to Naptime Notes and get early, ad free access to all the Letters to Women episodes for just $5 a month

    • Discussion questions:

      1. Rebekah chose to have Ginger & Peach be a model free lingerie company to combat comparison. Do you struggle with comparing your body to other women around you (in real life and online)? What would it look like to live confidently as the woman God created you to be?

      2. You don’t need lingerie to heal your marriage, you need Jesus. What is one area of your marriage that you can invite the Lord into today?

      3. Rebekah shares about how Andrew spoke the truth about her gifts and helped point her towards the mission of Ginger & Peach. In your marriage, when has your husband spoken truth over you and revealed something about who you are to yourself?

      4. Do you believe that you are fearfully and wonderfully made? In what areas of your life have you believed the lies from the devil that say you are not loved, not good, and not created with purpose?

      5. Rebekah shared how she creates because she is made by God who is a creator. What are some ways you enjoy being creative — and if you can’t think of any, what creative pursuits could you make space for in your daily life?

      6. ...more
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        Letters to Women - Exploring the Feminine GeniusBy Chloe Langr

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