Episode 253 - Lent Prep: Desert Spirituality
Why does the desert during Lent matter?
Why do we journey there every year for three weeks, alongside our brothers in faith?
The desert isn't just a place of physical challenge or adventure—it's a biblical invitation to encounter God in a profound way. It’s a place where we can strip away distractions, face our vulnerabilities, and open ourselves to God's transformative presence. The desert is both a terrifying and purifying place, just as it is for Jesus.
In this episode, we dive deep into the spiritual significance of the desert during the Lenten season. Join us as we explore the desert’s deep spiritual meaning, and how this sacred journey is not just for the body but also for the spirit.
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🛒 In preparation for Lent, check out Jesus and the Jubilee https://stpaulcenter.com/jubilee/
🛒 Check out some rosaries we made in collaboration with Chews Life https://bit.ly/chewslife-poco