Has every conversation in this miniseries on friendship has left you whispering “But that won’t work for me"?
Today, I’m sitting down with Lea-Anne Virnig. Lea-Anne is a writer and speaker passionate about inspiring women to live in the freedom of their identity in Christ. She helps women cultivate their magnanimity and grow in holiness through wholeness. A revert to the Catholic faith, she has homeschooled for over eighteen years, holds a certification in Youth Ministry, and has a certification as a spiritual director through Divine Mercy University. She is a military wife to Jon, her husband of over twenty years. Together, they’re raising six beautiful children brought to them through birth and adoption.
When you open the new Sisterhood book, you’ll find Lea-Anne’s reflection on friendship in complicated seasons, which kicks off the last chapter in Sisterhood that talks about what to do when friendship seems impossible.
Topics we talked about in this episode:
How the Lord used a season of loneliness to draw Lea-Anne closer to his heart
What it looks like to maintain friendships throughout different seasons of life
Making friends if you’re in a new town
How to introduce yourself to someone new and get past the awkward small talk stage
Resources you should check out after listening to this episode:
Visit Lea-Anne online through her website or via Instagram
“The Eight Doors of the Kingdom” by Father Jacques Philippe
“Be Healed” by Dr. Bob Schuchts
Email me at
[email protected] or send me an Instagram message with your questions on vulnerability in friendship!
Order my newest book, Sisterhood: Giving and Receiving the Gift of Friendship
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