In this insightful episode, we delve into maneuvering tough discussions, aligning intentions, and staying focused amidst confrontation. Discover the art of productive dialogue, whether in your lodge or daily life, and learn to let the 'noise' fade while pursuing your mission. Tune in for practical advice on fostering harmony and advancing collective goals.
Key Points
• Identifying behavior root causes
• Align objectives to facilitate talks
• Turn abrasive interactions positive
• Utilizing tactics for complex discussions
• Embrace discomfort for effective dialogue
Best Quotes
00:11 - 00:21
• "So there will be people in your life, I'm sure, I don't need to tell you, that will behave in ways that seem really, really counterintuitive."
01:34 - 01:47
• "There are obvious reasons for most people, they're seeking, you know, some sort of deference or superiority complex or some sort of approval or, or validation or whatever those sort of needs might be."
02:00 - 02:15
• "But when it comes to the bigger order stuff, where it's like, you know, we're at cross purposes, we don't have an aligned objective, then, you know, the work that you would wanna do should be spent on aligning to mission."
03:54 - 04:00
• "Asking questions like, you just said something, what was the intent? What are you driving to? What are you trying to get to?"
04:08 - 04:18
• "Don't be afraid to reiterate your understanding of their point. Say, listen, I, I'm not sure I understand this, but I, what I think I heard was X or Y or Z."
04:48 - 04:55
• "Your worry is to get that alignment and then move from a tactical, you know, perspective through the steps you're gonna need to execute your vision."
Thanks to our monthly supporters
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