In month’s Q&A we have questions concerning kingship & the gods, turtles (!!), and the Book of the Dead. Kara also answers some frequently asked questions about her new online course on ancient Egyptian cosmogony and cosmology.
Ancient Egyptian Cosmogony and Cosmology: Secrets of the Primordial Waters
An eight-part lecture series by Dr. Kara Cooney
Kingship & Religion
* Overview of the King’s role in state religion
* Dunand, Françoise and Christiane Zivie-Coche. 2004. Gods and men in Egypt: 3000 BCE to 395 CE. Translated by David Lorton. Ithaca, NY; London: Cornell University Press.
* Baines, Lesko, and Silverman. 1991. Religion in Ancient Egypt. Gods, Myth, and Personal Practice. Cornell University Press.
* Maat vs. Isfet
* Third Intermediate Period & the High Priests of Amun
* Herihor
* Piankhy
* Royal Ka- Bell, Lanny 1985. Luxor temple and the cult of the royal Ka. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 44 (4), 251-294.
* Abydos King List
Book of the Dead and Ideological Textual Knowledge
* Gloss
* Book of the Dead, Chapter 17
Turtles vs. Tortoise in Ancient Egypt
* Fischer 1968. Ancient Egyptian Representations of Turtles. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Papers 13. New York
* El-Kady. 2011. The Religious Concept of the Dual Character of the Turtle in Graeco-roman Egypt
* Ritner, Robert K. 2000. The "Breathing-permit of Hôr": thirty-four years later. Dialogue: a journal of Mormon thought 33 (4), 97-119
Retainer Sacrifice
* Review our episode with Dr. Rose Campbell- Part I & II
* Animal Sacrifice/Butcher scene
Recycling for Death: Coffin Reuse in Ancient Egypt and the Theban Royal Caches
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