Have you ever thought about your relationship with food? Do you ever take the time to truly experience the full sensory experience of eating, from the textures, to the smell and the taste of food? Many of us live in a culture which has shaped the way we see food and have forgotten how to eat like the animals we truly are. Many of us use food to celebrate, punish, distract, loose weight, gain weight, control, but have you ever thought about what it would be like to eat intuitively and be free from the constant thought of food 24/7?.... We are joined this week by Zoe Nicholson who founded The Moderation Movement and Love What You Eat. Zoe gives us an incredible insight into what intuitive eating is an how it can transform our relationship with food.
Zoe Nicholson https://lovewhatyoueat.com.au/
Moderation Movementhttps://moderationmovement.com.au/@themoderationmovement
Ellyn Stater Institutehttps://www.ellynsatterinstitute.org/
Intuitive Eating: https://www.intuitiveeating.org/