Ivan Infante is the author of False Ransom, Fixed Fight, and the Comic Book Cannibal Detective. He is a longtime screenwriter and his award-winning short film "Pretty Little Doggie," can be seen online. He is currently hard at work on his third novel, the upcoming Fake Bank, the final installment of the Mike Chance Series. He specializes in classic noir crime fiction.
Ivan has also agreed to be a judge for the 2016 Amygdala Magazine Short Story Contest. He will return to the podcast in a few weeks to discuss what he looks for in short stories and give tips on their creation.
In this interview we discuss the movie industry, historical research, screenwriting, and the use of hard work in accomplishing your creative goals. Ivan demystifies the storytelling process, and is a fan of the Push Method of writing, which he describes on today's podcast.
Follow Ivan on Twitter at: @eddiemarsattack or view his website at:www.ivaninfantewrites.com.
Amygdala Magazine is a member of the Core Temp Arts Network of podcasts.