Are we on the rite track understanding the purpose of MINDFULNESS
Virin Gomber is a practitioner in MINDFULNESS. He coaches people in business and for their personal needs to overcome barriers that emerge in our everyday existence.
Virin is a Mindfulness Success Coach helping individuals become top achievers. He is a co-author of a book “The missing piece in self love” The book is an Amazon best seller
The core of his work with entrepreneurs, professionals and driven individuals helping them achieve next level success, happiness and balance.
He offers a unique blend of mindfulness, smart strategic planning and neuro science. He has a multitude of qualifications. A Masters Degree in Quantum Physics, interior design, marketing, public relations, journalism and neuro linguistic programming.
He has been a success coach for 10 years and 25 years of mindfulness experience, coaching groups, training corporates. He has created a set of strategies to craft his Mindfulness success system.
In this interview we discover how and why Quantum Physics can give us a better understanding of the application of mindfulness in our everyday stressful anxious existence. What value can Mindfulness and the understanding of Quantum Physics provide to our ability to be creative and overcome that feeling of anxiety and being overwhelmed.
Being overwhelmed prevents us from being proactive and creative. It prevents us from having clarity of the true issues.
Mindfulness provides the tools to be able to breakthrough that feeling of anxiety and overwhelm. It enables us to find the value in what we do daily in our business and our lives.
It is like breaking through the limiting beliefs that we all have. We can see what we want but we have the glass ceiling that prevents us reaching for what we want. Mindfulness permits us to breakthrough that glass ceiling.
Glass ceilings don’t only exist in our personal lives it also exists in business. Sadly businesses are run by people and it is the people that drive the success or failure of a business.
Goals and objectives are set at the beginning of the year but for some strange reason sometimes those gaols are not realized especially if the business is in the SME sector. RiteTrack NZ Ltd is about helping businesses and the business owners get on the right track to ensure its success. To protect the potential of the people and the business.
In this instance it’s not about protection with insurance. It is about protection by being prepared to push forward and being resilient to the changes in the business environment.
To achieve this there needs to be understanding of the information that is presented to the business owner, hourly, daily and weekly, to make sure the optimum results and opportunities are reached. The potential of the business. To many this would seem like the application of more pressure being placed upon the business owner who is already overwhelmed.
Even with the pressure being applied there is still a challenge for business owners to stop the leakage of potential revenue in the supply chain of the business.
Mindfulness is a tool that can be used to help prevent, leakage of opportunities. Mindfulness provides the understanding to the business owner to see the opportunities and have the energy and mental space to overcome the limiting beliefs. To recognize that it is not more pressure that makes the difference. It is the ability to stand back and understand the root cause for the failures and then deal with them to eliminate them , manage them or pass them to a third party.