I studied a master in Hochschule Heilbronn about International Business & Intercultural Management.
The part of the program also included topics related to the different cultures of the world.
Certainly, that part of the master was one of the most enjoyables ones, and mainly because on our generation, we were a group that had people from all around the world.
Of course, I can’t say we were totally global, and we didn’t have from any single country, but certainly we had the opportunity to experience knowing different cultures.
We were people from Asia, from Europe, from African descendents, and of course from America.
I do think that what enriches this type of master degree was the classmates and professors who eventually become friends and even family.
Learning about the different perspectives about their cultures, make me understand how they live, they act, they react and enjoy and love life.
I don’t know if I can say it was luck, but every different aspect of every single person, regardless of their nationality, religion, sexual orientation and more, we were able to build a coehersive, comprehensive and united group.
Of course, we were not always together, but somehow we managed to build up a united group during our period of time at Hochschule Heilbronn.
And what was the lesson learned?
Well, as easy as the practice that we had each and single day about intercultural communication.
Living in Germany and in Europe, makes it even easier to have constant communication with international communities.
Heilbronn is one of the german cities with the biggest number of different nationalities in Germany, as far as I know.
Studying, living and working in Heilbronn was the opportunity to develop my intercultural communication skills.
Skills that went more than just changing that languagte we spoke in between.
Intercultural communication goes more than just switching from spanish to english, or to german.
Intercultural communication also goes in understanding their culture, their believes and desires.
International communities have different background, but as in my case, international people living in a city such as Heilbronn, or any other, the aim was also to enjoy and love our lives, regardless of where we were, and with whom.
The intercultural communication skills and values developed are the tolerance, respect, comprehension and even problem solving from different perspectives.
Also, in an professional environment, being able to communicate with Germans in order to keep improving and reach results was important to learn to adapt.
At ARP Europe, the team had the objective of working with 6 different countries.
And in Bechtle, the aim was more on a coporate basis.
I continue with this topics created by the redaction team so that hopefully it helps you as well how important it is intercultural communication, its definition, examples and skills that can help you as well.
Everything is connected, and as we might think that our actions don’t affect other city, region, and country, we are wrong.
At the end, I think we are citizens of the World, and our job is to make our squared meter better.
Read more on Intercultural Communication