Spider-man Review Episode Show Notes and Spoilers!!!!!
Build Up and Start
Matt Murdock hurrah so amazing , no Daredevil, sad
Multi Villains Cant Be Trusted and Good Guy Otto
Nano tech to the rescue
William Defoe OMG what an actor
Aunt May Dying
Cut Deep, didn’t expect it
Tom Hollands Spiderman is now forced at 17 to grow up massively.
Great Power comes great responsibility – didn’t die for nothing.
Spiderman Still a kid and the character doesn’t problem solve well – Rich saw this on the internet – “NWH would shorter if Peter asked Dr Strange to make everyone forget about what Mysterio said” rather than what he asked of Strange.
Multi Spiders
Ned is a Master of the Mystical Arts
Tobey Maguire – Wooden Acting at times and very confused about where he was and what he was doing, better as it went on.
Andrew Garfield – OMG major feels for him, She was a my MJ, amazing acting.
When MJ was like "are YOU ok"... man just his face there. ACTING... I certainly was not ok. What a moment.
Webbing Moment
Villains Get Cured and Spider Men don’t have to kill them
The plan to
Andrew Caught MJ and got a redemption arc
The Hard Reset Ending
good for grounded New York Style Spider Man
new costume at the end. Spider-Man strips away the Stark Legacy and is ready to stand on his own.
Poor nobody – living in a cheap nasty apartment – Where is the rent? Photographer for the daily bugle now?
No more MJ Love and Ned friend.
Richard felt – really sad for peter, hes alone, no one knows him, no one loves him. Its exciting with how Tom Holland can play the character and have lots of love interests.
Post Credit Scene 1 – Venom Tom Hardy taken away but Cristo Fernández (Actor remains with symbiote)
Angelo Fortunato? Or Someone New? Is it a new symbiote