Jeralee Anderson is an amazing CEO. From graduate engineer to worldwide change agent, and all at such a young age. She has achieve this by giving action to her dream and learning the art of building an empowering team. One that reframes the biggest public asset in the world. Roads
She created the Greenroads organisation. Within a few years it now operates worldwide.
She asked the simple question: “If we have Green Buildings why can’t we have Green Roads?. And get them certified”.
Jeralee has a passion for turning roads,around, from polluting lifeless entities into life giving public amenities. Her journey has been meteoric but hard at the same time. Many roading engineers are stuck in the past and hold onto their patch. Jeralee has set a path of conversion. Creating reborn roading engineers. Roads that are delivered at half the cost and more than double the value. Councils around the world are set to save their tax payers billions of dollars. And the free co-benefit is they help create regenerative cities.
I love Jeralee’s simple system of getting certification. Interesting she has calculating the carbon burden of a road as a basic essential that engineers must determine and then asks them the hard question of how would they redesign the road to make it carbon neutral. The top two Accreditation levels are “Gold” and “Evergreen”. No one in the world has achieved these levels yet. That is both an indictment on and challenge to the roading fraternity.
Enjoy the conversation.
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Our annual theme is "Together, we create regenerative cities"
I am your host David Boothway, and thanks for listening