Today's episode is on GRATITUDE!
Guest: Dr. Viann Nguyen-Feng
Gratitude is more powerful than you may think. Writing and reading gratitude letters to people in your life can fuel your soul.
Mornings: ~10-minute gratitude meditation. Pick any that's calling to you that day, e.g., Jack Kornfield's or others, or find one to repeat for 7 days.
During the day: On Day 1, write a gratitude letter to someone. On Day 2, call/video chat/meet up with that person and read them the gratitude letter. Then give them a copy of the letter, in person or via postage mail. Alternate doing this through Day 6. On Day 7, write a gratitude letter to yourself. Read it aloud to yourself. Then read it aloud to yourself while looking in a mirror. Then tape it next to the mirror.
Evenings: Write down 5 things that made you smile that day. Write expressed gratitude for each of them. Write down 5 more things that you feel grateful for today.
Show yourself gratitude more often. You are amazing. Acknowledge it. Feel it.
Try asking someone what makes them smile! Visit for resources, blogs, and more information.