Did you know that much of the population has a fear of change? In this last 5-minute Friday episode of season one we discuss how to deal with fear of change, how to make it easier, and what you may deal with before or during change. I hope you all enjoy this episode because it is so important to know how to change. Tune in on Wednesday for the final finale!
Bursting through the Clouds is a self-help podcast created in 2021 by content creator and Youtuber Gabrielle Carter. The show premiered on Spotify, apple podcasts, and other streaming platforms in 2021. The podcast focuses on topics such as how to smash through trauma, how to stop trauma bonding, how to deal with shame in regards to mental health and how God plays into all of this. Users can expect goofy and curated solo podcasts, interviews, and to be inspired that they can burst through the clouds and live like Matthew 5:15 says, shining their light before men. Are you ready to Burst through the Clouds? Join this journey today by smashing that follow button. Come on, don't be shy your future is waiting! Bursting through the Clouds is an educational self-help podcast that does not replace speaking to someone.