Give Thanks!
Thanksgiving is a holiday, but it is also a way of life. From cultivating gratitude in your life nurturing a pattern of gratefulness, thankfulness has mental, physical, and spiritual benefits to improve your whole life. That’s something to give thanks for!
Chaplain Mike and Lisa the Social Worker explore the meaning and power of gratitude in and around the thanksgiving holiday, how that works with sympathy and empathy, how a humble spirit can make you glad, and how finding something to be thankful for even in the worst of times can lead to resilience and even traumatic growth.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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More info from the show:
President Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation:
The Art of Manliness Podcast: Episode 459 – Beyond Gratitude and into the Real Virtue of Thankfulness
The Art of Manliness Podcast: The Spiritual Disciplines: Gratitude
Brother David TED Talk: Want to be Happy? Be Grateful
Brene Brown on Sympathy vs Empathy
Victor Frankl – Quote on “The Meaning of Life differs from man to man…”
Jimmy Fallon: Thank you Notes, Olympic Edition
Psalm 100 – The Jubilate Deo
Melissa Stockwell on healing from her divorce: