Hope for the Animals

Changing the World Through Music with Joanne Kong and Christoph Wagner

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Today on the podcast we have Joanne Kong and Chirstoph Wagner, and they are the Vegan Virtuosiz. Joanne and Christoph weave together live music, reflections, and the arts in inspiring events that illuminate how embracing the connections we have to the natural world and all beings can bring about transformative spiritual growth, positive change, and planetary healing. They will be featured in the upcoming documentary, Taking Note, about vegan musicians and the history of animal rights as seen through music. 

Pianist Joanne Kong’s performances have been praised for “great finesse and flexibility” (The Washington Post), and “superb artistry” (San Antonio Express-News) in works “sensitively played” (New York Times).  She is currently director of chamber music ensembles at the University of Richmond. Dr. Kong speaks around the world as an animal, environmental and vegan advocate. Her TEDx talk, The Power of Plant-Based Eating,has over 1 million views, she is editor of Vegan Voices: Essays by Inspiring Changemakers, and appears in the major documentary, Eating Our Way to Extinction. 

Christoph Wagner, a native of Germany, is a sought-after cellist who has played on four continents. Mr. Wagner holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Rice University, and his current research focuses on the role of nutrition in musical peak performance. He is a Certified Nutrition Coach and Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and holds a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University through the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. Currently Dr. Wagner is Assistant Professor of Cello at the University of New Mexico.


Joanne Kong: www.JoanneKongMusic.com

Vegan Virtuosiz Tour Information:

Vancouver, Washington, May 17, 2024

Salem, Oregon, May 19, 2024

(Book) Vegan Voices: Essays By Inspiring Changemakers by Joanne Kong, PhD

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Hope for the AnimalsBy Hope Bohanec

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