Credit cards make it incredibly easy to make payments at online and in-person retailers, but when it comes to informal transactions between friends and family, they’re a non-starter. With fewer people making a habit of carrying cash around, peer-to-peer payment apps like Venmo have stepped in to make it easy to make small electronic payments to individuals.
As Venmo’s popularity grows, some merchants are starting to accept it as a form of payment, but even Venmo transactions can turn into chargebacks. Before leaping into the brave new world of P2P payments, what do merchants need to know about Venmo chargebacks?
Since its debut in 2009 as an app designed to facilitate bill-splitting and IOU payments between acquaintances, Venmo’s user base has grown to exceed 40 million people, making it one of the most popular and widely-used P2P payment platforms. Venmo is especially popular among younger demographics, so many merchants who target those age groups see a clear benefit to including Venmo as one of the payment options they accept.
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©Chargeback Gurus 2021
Production: Emily Woodward
Narration: Phil Claffey