This episode features the second half of our discussion with Dr. Gina Anne Tam, Associate Professor of History at Trinity University, and author of Dialect and Nationalism in China, 1860 – 1960 from Cambridge University Press. In this episode, we talk about the relationship between Mandarin and Cantonese in teaching and academia, as well as English’s immense power in the global linguistic landscape.
Works mentioned in this episode:
Silencing Shanghai, by Fang Xu
Gerald Roche (various articles)
Cantonese as Written Language, by Don Snow
Not Like a Native Speaker, by Rey Chow
The Fall of Language in the Age of English, by Minae Mizumura
Borderlands/La Frontera, by Gloria Anzaldúa
Speak Not: Empire, Identity and the Politics of Language, by James Griffiths
Sound, Meaning, Shape: The Phonologist Wei Jiangong (1901-1980) between Language Study and Language Planning, by Mariana Münning
Episode vocabulary and transcript