Hope for the Animals

Chickens are Animals Too with Tracey Winter Glover

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Tracey Winter Glover is an animal caretaker, activist, author, and filmmaker. She is the co-founded and Executive Director of a non-profit intersectional pro-vegan animal rights group, Awakening Respect and Compassion for all Sentient Beings. She also startedSweet Peeps Microsanctuary, which is now home to over 50 unique and personable individuals. Tracey created and released a short award-winning documentary entitled “Until All Are Free,” is the author of Lotus of the Heart: Living Yoga for Personal Wellness and Global Survival. Her first children’s book, inspired by the chickens at Sweet Peeps, is called Chickens Are Animals Too! Fannie Goes to Washington. 

Tracey shares the stories of Fannie and other chickens that are in her new children’s book and how they helped her to shatter her misconceptions about chickens that most of us share. Tracey tells some of the rescue stories of the chickens at the sanctuary and shares how she wanted to offer an accurate and authentic voice to the characters in her book. She and Hope also talk about Eastern religious philosophies and how her other book, Lotus of the Heart, has helped her to awaken a deep reverence and respect for all life on the planet and how these ancient teachings can help us heal our world. 


Sweet Peeps Microsanctuary

Books by Tracey Winter Glover:

Chickens are Animals Too, Fannie Goes to Washington 

Lotus of the Heart: Living Yoga for Personal Wellness and Global Survival  


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Compassionate Living

Hope for the Animals Podcast

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Hope for the AnimalsBy Hope Bohanec

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