Denise Nichols is a pelvic floor therapist, an occupational therapist, a pelvic rehabilitation practitioner, the owner of Motivate Health, Inc., author and coach of “Your SelfCare Matrix”, and a neurological lyme survivor. She started her influence as someone who provides hope to others through the business she created, but then she had to provide that same hope to herself to journey through her own very scary health journey.
In this episode, we talk about all the things that we NEED to start talking about as women – all the things discussed in hushed voices in the corner – things we should be unafraid to discuss so that we can HEAL and thrive sexually, emotionally, and physically.
– did you know you don’t have to experience pain during sex?
– did you know you can get a vibrator prescribed?? By a doctor?? Also – pelvic floor therapy can be prescribed to help from anything from making sex enjoyable to reducing bladder pain (why I first went there to), reducing incontinence, to all kinds of things the world is ready and needs to hear about
Denise discusses all of these things with me – as well as her book, “Your SelfCare Matrix”. What I love about Denise is that she understands stress – MANIFESTS – Our illnesses and pain are real, but there is a true connection between our emotional health and our physical health. Her philosophy encompasses the belief that “self care is healthcare” and she shares tactics she has found to be helpful in her own healing journey – as well as the advice she gives to clients everyday.
This is not an episode you want to miss – and then you’re going to want to share – because we NEED this information to be a part of everyday conversation.
Denise was also the first person to give me hope that I could heal from Interstitial Cystitis, so please listen to what she has to offer in this episode – I know it will be helpful in your own journey.
Contact Denise and find her book! :
Instagram: @motivatetherapy
The post Anything is Possible: Recovering from Neurological Lyme and Providing Hope as a Pelvic Floor Therapist with Denise Nichols first appeared on River + Quill.