In the inaugural episode of "Justice for Beth" we delve into the vibrant life of Beth Elaine Buchanan, a promising graduate student at the University of Georgia whose journey was tragically cut short by one man's decision to drive under the influence of alcohol. Through intimate interviews with her mother, father, and sister, we explore the essence of who Beth was beyond the headlines.
With heart-wrenching honesty, Julie Buchanan, Beth's mother, reminisces about the joy Beth brought into their lives and the dreams she held close to her heart. Beth's father, alongside her sister, shares cherished memories, painting a vivid portrait of a young woman dedicated to her studies in psychology and passionate about making a difference in the world.
As we navigate through Beth's life story, we uncover the depth of her character, her unwavering determination, and the profound impact she had on those around her. Join us as we honor Beth's memory, celebrating her accomplishments, and embracing the love that continues to bind her family together even in the face of tragedy.
Tune in to "Justice for Beth: Part 1" as we embark on a journey of remembrance, resilience, and the enduring spirit of a beloved daughter, sister, and friend.
Hosted, written and produced by Cameron Jay (@LifeofCameron). Original design by Kyle Kizziah (@Haizzik). Intro music exclusively for CCC by Ryan McDaniel.
To listen to The Tara Baker Story from episode one, visit
To Listen to the 1977 Murder of T.K. Harty, visit
Disclaimer:*The views expressed by guests of Classic City Crime Podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of Cameron Jay, CCC, it’s advertisers, or any of its associates. All people discussed, whether interviewed or implied, are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. CCC does not encourage nor condone listeners taking the law into their own hands, contacting those associated with the case, or intervening in police investigations.*