Learn how Off Color Brewing's yeast-first focus makes its beers distinct from the more common hops-focused breweries in the craft beer industry.
Off Color Brewing co-founder and head brewer John Laffler shares the science behind his yeast-first brewery and how it stands apart from other more hop-focused breweries. He discusses the revival of forgotten beer styles, focusing on esoteric brews crafted before the Bavarian Purity Law and highlighting his brewery's reputation for challenging conventional tastes with unique beers. He also explains his brewery’s foeders and delves into the sustainable and artisanal brewing approach of Off Color, which prioritizes specialized production over mass market expansion.
John also shares the story behind several of Off Color’s beers, including their wildly popular Apex Predator saison, their native fermented witbier “Critters” with its delectable rosé-like acidity, and their playful reinvention of Miller High Life. Plus: how the innovative Miscellanea project experiments with wild yeasts to find “evolving” flavors, why Off Color’s website is so amazing for beer nerds, and the sandwich you have to try along with your next British brown ale.
About Off Color Brewing: A craft beer brewery in Chicago, Off Color first began operating with a focus on brewing forgotten styles of beer, particularly those made in Germany before Reinheitsgebot (i.e. the Bavarian Purity Law) was proclaimed in the late 15th century. Learn more on their website at https://www.offcolorbrewing.com/
You can learn more about Crafty Brewers and get in touch with us on our official website, https://craftybrewerspod.com
Crafty Brewers is a production of Quantum Podcasts, LLC. Is your brewery or business looking to capture a loyal audience to drive business results with the power of podcasting? Then visit https://quantum-podcasts.com/ to learn more.
Our executive producer and editor is award-winning podcaster Cody Gough. He insists that we tell you that in this episode, you’ll learn about: forgotten beer styles, Reinheitsgebot, Critters beer, wood-fermented beer, beer pairings, wild yeast cultures, brewing sustainability, beer evolution, craft brewing transparency, homebrewing, large wooden barrels, foeders, Apex Predator saison, Miller High Life collaboration, Beer for Lounging, Beer for Pizza, quick fermentation, kettle souring, lactic acid, lactobacillus, acidified beers, sour malt, Brettanomyces, traditional Belgian beers, craft brewery expansion, pilsners, wheat beer, IPAs, Gozas, blender vices, and regional beers.