I have needs? What needs?
This is so common for those of us who grew up in families that were always stressed out, didn't work through trauma, and got triggered by our emotions. We learned to stuff down our emotions, get small and quiet, and we attracted adult relationships just like this: we feel alone even while the other person is in the room, unfulfilled, and disconnected. It's because our entire childhood involved us completely self abandoning. You might see abuse as toxic and unhealthy. What about emotional neglect? If you feel unfulfilled in your adult relationships and your emotional needs aren't being met - you NEED to listen to this episode!
Top Episode quotes:
"Our standards of safety are much higher, and it can feel so difficult to say, 'I need this. I need emotional fulfillment. I need a partner that can meet me emotionally.' There’s guilt around that because our parents didn’t have it, and it feels like a luxury—like, is it even okay to want this?"
"Many of us grew up learning that our emotions weren’t safe, that we had to suppress them to keep our parents regulated. But as adults, that pattern leaves us feeling unseen, unheard, and completely alone—even in relationships."
"You don’t need permission to grieve the fact that you had to abandon yourself to keep others comfortable. That grief is valid, and feeling it is the first step toward reclaiming yourself."
"If you don’t know what your needs are, start by asking yourself what turns you on—not just sexually, but in life. What makes you feel alive, excited, and deeply present? That’s where your true needs are hiding."
"We keep chasing connection in the same way we learned as children—by abandoning ourselves in relationships. The work is in learning to stay with ourselves, even when connection feels uncertain."
❥Stay or Go Course: https://marinayt.com/stay-or-go
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❥❥❥ FREE RESOURCE: a step-by-step process of working with your triggers
This powerful step by step process will walk you through how to somatically move through a trigger, ground yourself, allow the emotions to come up and experience massive growth in your life
Download here: https://marinayt.com/trigger-2-rooted
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