This episode is solely focused on being positive, which includes learning how to not just accentuate the positive, but to find it.
We discuss some methods for being — and staying — positive.
"Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one."
Ask your kids, "What is the best moment of your day?" Even if all you can think of is a juicy apple, try to find something positive about every day, and share that with those you love.
The Butterfly Effect - How you act impacts others. Your kid gets in a fight with your ex, then picks a fight with you. You're angry, and now have to run a meeting, where you snap at employees, putting more people in a bad mood. That demeanor will expand exponentially. But it works with positivity too.
How to be more positive:
• Mindfulness & Meditation. Reframe your thought process for 5 or 10 minutes on something else. Put all your focus into hearing specific sounds — waves crashing, birds chirping, each individual instrument in a song you love. Focusing on one thing allows you to let the other stuff go, even just for a minute. And if you can do it for one minute, you can do it for five. Do it for five, you can do it for 30. If you can do it for 30, maybe you can do it for the entire day.
• Find the positive things in your environment and focus on those. Finding the positivity in even what you would consider a terrible situation is challenging but rewarding.
• Use of Affirmations. Don't be hard on yourself for not doing something in the past. Be proud of the fact you have decided to do something about it now. And when using positive affirmations, it's important to speak in the PRESENT TENSE.
"There is no future, in a way. It’s all just a series of moments. If you live in every moment, and every moment you are present, then you don’t have to worry about what’s going to happen down the line. You worry about what’s happening now. Reframe when you’re feeling bad about yourself, or bad about the world. This is the moment that matters."
• Focus on yourself: "If you try to compare yourself to others you will always fail, because you can always find someone who seemingly has it better than you or is seemingly doing more than you. "
• Remember, you are the only one who has to live with you 24/7.