When it comes to starting a business, it can be daunting to get all of the things done to begin making money. You may be wondering which tasks are the ones to be at the top of that list? The answer is simple and easier than you think. Before you begin collecting money, and if you already are, these should be at the top of your list this week, you need to make sure you have the correct permits to be operating.
This can feel big and overwhelming but thanks to the pandemic, almost everything can be filled out online now. If you are thinking of starting a tiny business or are already in business, this week’s episode will help you know if you are missing anything in order to be operating legally and avoid costly fees from the IRS.
Here is what’s covered in this episode:
* The new 2022 tax change targeted at the gig and freelance work force. * What you need to financially be operating your business legally. * Sales tax permits and your tiny business.* What formation will work for you. * Do you need an EIN.* What permits do you need to have for your tiny business.
Find out more about the new book, Smarter Starting: Building A Tiny Business.
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The Doers Shakers Makers podcast is hosted and produced by me, tiny business expert and author, Sierra Bailey. Did this episode inspire you? Please leave a review if you use Apple podcasts and be sure to subscribe!