We continue our show theme this month of "Marching to a Different Drummer".
Is the drummer loud and giving you a migraine or quietly whispering sweet nothings ?
Do you listen to the small quiet voice within or the noise and racket? Are you marching frenetically in all directions or carefully taking steps toward what you want?
This Episode is about "Mindfulness" rather than "Mind Full Ness".
Our guest, Billie Frances is a MFCC Therapist and Director of "Guiding Mindful Change". Billie has over 20 years of experience training and mentoring professional coaches. Helping them to get National Board Certification in Health and Wellness.
We will explore these topics and more.
The distinctions between counseling, consulting, teaching and coaching.
Resisting the temptation to tell people what to do.
Rediscovering your heart's desires.
Living a Values-Based life.
Doing your own own inner work before helping others.
Listen, Learn and Love your Life.
Blessings, Dr. Red