Talking about race can be a difficult and uncomfortable conversation to have with our family, friends, and colleagues. As a white educator myself, I know that having these uneasy conversations are important for the success of my Black and Latinx students, which is always at the forefront of my thoughts and beliefs. The more we talk about our own experiences, the more we can learn from one another and find ways to interrupt systematic racism in our schools. While this episode is primarily for white educators to reflect and learn, we welcome teachers, parents, and students of all backgrounds to tune in, as this episode has something for everyone to learn, with a special guest joining us.
In today's episode, Masters of Education candidate, Erin Magliozzi talks about her experience as a white educator in a predominately Black and Latinx school setting. Join us as we brace our own humility and reflect together in talking through ways to support our students, as white educators in interacting with diverse student populations. Please remember that we, white educators, are not saviors; rather, we are supporters of our students.
Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad
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