In this episode, hear from Jason Fletcher, Headmaster at Heritage School in Cambridge, England. Learn about a school that has implemented a phone-free school program for almost two decades. We discuss the philosophical and pedagogical principles that promote a phone-free school environment. Get inspired to implement a phone-free program at your school.
Heritage School
"UK’s only screen-free school," Sunday Times
Smartphone Free Childhood (UK)
Smartphone Free Schools (UK)
Phone-free Schools Movement (US)
Hang 10 Movement
Jonathan Haidt, The Anxious Generation
Nicholas Carr, The Shallows
Johann Hari, Stolen FocusThe Educational Renaissance Podcast is a production of Educational Renaissance where we promote a rebirth of ancient wisdom for the modern era. We seek to inspire educators by fusing the best of modern research with the insights of the great philosophers of education. Join us in the great conversation and share with a friend or colleague to keep the renaissance spreading.
Take a deeper dive into training resources produced by Educational Renaissance such as Dr. Patrick Egan's new book entitled Training the Prophetic Voice available now through Amazon.