Pass this onto your parents no matter your age.
Parents you are so important to those who are empaths + HSP
You play a significant role, esp if you’re close to your children.
Things that can help you help them + help yourself:
1.if you don’t understand your child/hsp, do your research -- we’re wired differently; it will take you a few mins of your time, or you can listen to some of my older episodes; we do suffer from overstimulation, addictions more often, intense feelings. Sometimes we’re observing others’ emotions so it can seem like we’re being moody, but it can be coming from others.
2.allow them time to meditate -- need to recharge energy more often; min 1x per day. Best part is you can meditate with them; it doesn't have to be anything spectacular; just support their habit of meditating. Clear your mind + steadying your breathing, get out of your head - doesn’t have to be perfect.
3.importance of music -- not encouraging a lot of “negative” music (we feel their heartbreak/emotions on a deeper level), create a balance for them; allow your empath/hsp to listen to binaural beats, works with both conscious + subconscious mind.
4.boundaries -- so important on so many different levels; try to make it easier on them, it’s nothing towards you; don’t take it personally; I respect those who have the courage to say “no” because that is not easy; they need personal time too, we’re affect so differently from others.
5.balance/aligned room -- try to have all the elements represented in their room/personal space
6.go for lots of walks + get them out in nature -- not take things personally -- know it’s hard bc we constantly worry about our kids.
Allow your children if they’re at an appropriate age to make their own decisions; if they’re at a younger age, give them a few options but let them do their own thing. If you think it’s wrong, give them the options/consequences.
Do not over-provide your child with expectations.
Going to school is not the only option.
We’re a lot slower than other people; we like to do less and just go with the flow of things.
Allow them to figure things out on their own.
The more you tell me what to do with my life, the harder I rebel; your child may be the same.
Empath children usually have sensory disorders; a lot of the time we get misdiagnosed.
Raising an empath is so important; we are literally 20% out of the world population. We have the ability to understand our children a little bit better when we understand that they’re an empath or HSP, and providing them with a safe space to grow and flourish the way they need to is so important.
When I first became an empath, like many others I strongly believed this meant that I had to save the world, that my duties as a empath wasn’t done until I rescued everyone I was in a romantic relationship with or the friends I made I had to impact them heavily and the job wasn’t done. I always constantly forgave people; I was a pushover.
But the reality of it is that healing yourself first as an empath - making sure your children can do the inner work