In this podcast episode for English learners, Anna with 2 Ns and I explore lots of useful phrases with 'get'.
Here are some of the 'get' phrases we talk about:
To get - to receive or take possession of somehow
To get - Where did you get that lovely…?
To get - To make contact with:
What’s the best time of day to get you?
Can you get a bus on the street where you live?
To get + Situation/state/emotion
Have you ever been in a car which got stuck?
Was there ever a time when you got lost?
When was the last time you got dressed up?
Interesting English: Does gotten exist?
Guess the prepositions of the question.
- What do you get up to on weekends?
Do you get on with your neighbours?How do you get rid of your bio waste?What’s something you try to get out of doing?Have you ever done something you shouldn’t have done, but got away with it?Anna with 2Ns podcast:
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