👉🏼 Have you ever heard someone saying that all it matters is to speak? But what if you speak and many people don't understand? That is very frustrating! pronunciation plays a huge role in communicating in different languages. ✨ Think of someone trying to speak your own native language with poor pronunciation. Not only makes it difficult for you to be understood, but also to convey the message you want, because often times due to pronunciation issues, people try to say one word but says another one with a completely different meaning! ✨ I have been teaching some hispanics students, and I have noticed that some of the mistakes they make is due to their native language. Even more, all these mistakes are also common among #brazilian Speakers! ✨ In this video you will learn about 2 vowel sounds, how to properly say the 3 -ed sounds in English, the -CH sounds, the difference between B and V, and finally you will understand that English is a stress-timed language.