"WhatifAlthist" | World History, Philosophy, Culture

Explaining the Political Triangle

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Link to my second podcast on world history and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/@History102-qg5oj

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Link to my Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/rudyardwlynch/?hl=en



🎙️ This Won't Last - Eavesdrop on Keith Rabois, Kevin Ryan, Logan Bartlett, and Zach Weinberg's monthly backchannel. They unpack their hottest takes on the future of tech, business, venture, investing, and politics.

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765665937

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HwSNeVLL1MXy0RjFPyOSz

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ThisWontLastpodcast



Curt Doolittle's work. Available on the Propertarian Website

The Origins of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama 

The Decay of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama 

A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia by David Christian. 2 volumes

The History of Russia by Orlando Figes

Europe by Norman Davies

The Isles by Norman Davies 

Al Muqqahdimmah by Ibn Khaldun

Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung

The Elephant in the Brain by Simler

The Rise of the West by McNeil

Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder

Atrocities by Matthew White

The True Believer by Eric Hoffer

Sex and Power in History by Amaury de Riencourt

The Origins of Ideology by Immanuel Todd

The Moral Animal by Robert Wright

Sex and Culture by JD Unwin

The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman

Very Beautiful People by Ashley Mears

Envy by Helmut Schoeck

The Righteous Mind by John Haidt

Seeing like a State by James Scott

War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat

Conquests and Cultures by Thomas Sowell

War and Peace and War by Peter Turchin

Why Nations Fail by Robinson and Acemoglu

Dominion by Tom Holland

The Ancient City by Foustel de Coulanges

A History of Civilizations by Fernand Braudel 

War, What is it Good for by Ian Morris

The Leviathan and Its Enemies by Samuel Francis

A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell

The Great Leveler by Walter Scheidel

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"WhatifAlthist" | World History, Philosophy, CultureBy Rudyard Lynch

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