Weekly wisdom and inspiration from your host Casey.
Walk with me this week and Get Inspired. In this walk I talk about why I schedule events around astrological events. Many think its woo-woo, however it's older than anything we use in our lives today. I share a little of my experience and perspective on full moons and how they impact our lives.
I also talk about some upcoming workshops and sessions I am hosting including a 3-part online workshop that you can join from anywhere. It's a a beginners Mindfulness workshop called Get Inspired. I share some details about this and the benefits of breathwork meditation.
Register for the workshop!
Special shout out in this one to my brother Sacha who checked in with me and inspired by that, shoutout to all my German brothers out there. I've met so many cool German guys over the last few years!
So lace up your shoes, grab your headphones and walk with me for some weekly inspiration.
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You can drop as little as $5 or if you're getting something out of these episodes feel free to drop some magic in the jar.