On today's episode, we are honored to get to experience a full blown Rhythm Restoration session with Dr. Tiffany Tajiri. If you didn't listen to our first episode with Dr. Tiffany, go back to episode 36. Can You Blend God and Science?
Dr. Tiffany is a clinical psychologist, USAF Veteran, speaker, and author of Peace After Combat- Healing the Spiritual and Psychological Wounds of War. She leads Lindsey through a visual exercise and a rhythm restoration session to heal from her past pain of losing her baby. It's a powerful episode.
Episode 36. Can You Blend God and Science?: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/failing-awesomely/id1483970993?i=1000515120312
Connect with Dr. Tiffany:
Website: drtiffanytajiri.com
Instagram: @drtiffanytajiri
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbQ3oZsMcyy5RNYkb6lRg6g
Peace After Combat: https://www.amazon.com/Peace-after-Combat-Spiritual-Psychological/dp/0830781951/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3PCZU5IHVK2KA&dchild=1&keywords=peace+after+combat&qid=1629851339&sprefix=peace+after+com%2Caps%2C203&sr=8-1
Connect with Lindsey:
Instagram(s): @lindseyhgarcia // @failingawesomely // @janesdaughters
Email: [email protected]