God is removing evil with the expectation of His people stepping in to take back what has been stolen. Guest Amanda Grace shares insights, instruction and prophecy for these days immediately following Yom Kippur/The Day of Atonement.
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SHOW NOTES – Partial, view complete Show Notes Here.
CONNECT WITH TODAY’S GUEST: Amanda Grace Amanda is a highly respected woman of God known for insightful prophecies and in-depth Bible teaching. She began Ark of Grace Ministries in 2014 with a passion to bring people into a closer relationship with the Almighty God, through His son, Jesus Christ, who is the only way to the Father and experience true freedom. https://arkofgrace.org/
Red Hot October Surprise: https://rss.com/podcasts/faithtoliveby/1693574
Mining of lithium in North Carolina: https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3522657/
$175 BILLION dollars to support Ukraine, https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-us-aid-going-ukraine
$150.7 Billion and counting on illegal immigration during the Biden Administration. https://budget.house.gov/press-release/the-cost-of-the-border-crisis-1507-billion-and-counting
Department of Defense amending Directive 5240.01: https://www.esd.whs.mil/portals/54/documents/dd/issuances/dodd/524001p.pdf
Heal-Corp: https://www.heal-corp.org/
Pastor Jack Hibbs: https://calvarycch.org/when-christians-fail-to-vote/
Julie Green 10/22/2024 “The Tensions are growing in the Enemy’s Camp” https://rumble.com/v5jnov9-live-with-julie.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
Julie Green 10/21/2024: https://rumble.com/v5jisid-live-with-julie.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
Amanda Grace Night of Prayer, 10/27/2024: https://arkofgraceministries.snappages.site/media/live
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