Steve Duda is a Midwesterner turned west coaster. He describes writing as the only thing he can do. Currently, Steve is Head of Fish Tales at Patagonia. His work has appeared in numerous magazines, websites, and newspapers. Anglers know him as the former editor of The Fly Fish Journal. His new book titled River Songs is his first ‘solo album’ that consists of short stories from his travels and observations. The book is full of history, science, nature, and anecdotes.
In this episode we learn about Steve’s youth as a sports fan, angler, and writer. The conversation was indented to focus on his book, however, these guys went off course quickly. Steve discusses his disdain for the semi-colon and farmed raised salmon. He tells stories about pranking his fising buddies, the ability to smell a school of fish moving in, and wild vs hatchery steelhead in the Pacific and Great Lakes. This podcast wouldn’t be right if the conversation didn’t lead to sandwiches.
Don’t be the person that catches the last wild steelhead.
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