Happy Holidays everybody! For the first time in a couple of years, we are delighted to bring you a brand-new episode of Fortune’s Wheelhouse! As you probably know, Mel released her Telos Tarot deck this year, so we thought we’d have a conversation about the magical labor that went into the deck and its unique take on decanic imagery. At the end, we also talked a bit about my own 2024 production, the Dreaming the Decans book, and how that came to be. Enjoy!
Mel's products
All decks (Rosetta, Tabula Mundi, Pharos, Telos) and books (Liber Mundi, Book of Seshet, Spectrum Fari) : tarotcart.com
Readings: www.tsusanchang.com/readings
The Living Tarot Online Class: www.tsusanchang.com/class
Arcana Cases, elemental and zodiacal perfumes, custom perfumes 8 of Wands talismans: www.etsy.com/shop/tarotista
Gift certificates and downloadable classes: www.tsusanchang.com/shop
9 of Swords blankets, phone cases, etc.: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/139646961
Dreaming the Decans (hardcover): www.lulu.com/shop/t-susan-chang/dreaming-the-decans/hardcover/product-v8kqed2.htmlDreaming the Decans (paperback): www.lulu.com/shop/t-susan-chang/dreaming-the-decans/paperback/product-kv8gkr5.html36 Secrets: https://www.lulu.com/shop/t-susan-chang/36-secrets/paperback/product-zzrd79The Living Tarot: https://www.amazon.com/Living-Tarot-Connecting-Everyday-Readings/dp/0738772259Tarot Correspondences: https://www.amazon.com/Tarot-Correspondences-Ancient-Secrets-Everyday/dp/0738755125Fortune's Wheelhouse products:
Tarot Deciphered: https://www.amazon.com/Tarot-Deciphered-Decoding-Esoteric-Symbolism/dp/0738764477
Fortune's Wheelhouse tote bags, notebooks, etc.: https://www.redbubble.com/people/wheelhouse93/shop
Music: Excerpt from "The Catalog of Sam Elliot Alcohol Endorsements" by Gagmesharkoff