Do you feel like you’re trapped in your own thoughts?
constantly feeling like you’re stuck and avoiding your mind?
It’s a normal thing to WANT to avoid your mind and escape it,
but it’s not a good thing… because it won’t stop chasing you.
Meaning you’ll have to forever keep running, and that’s exhausting.
The key is to understand what’s going on in your mind so you can fix it,
and that means you shouldn’t try to escape and run away from the pain…
It means you need to instead lean in and listen to what the pain is telling you.
Pain is our greatest teacher, when we listen to it.
It tells us what’s wrong, and when we know what’s wrong we
know what to fix.
Believe me, I’ve been there, we all have.
You’re not stuck like that forever, you can change it, if you are willing.
Beware, it's not nice, it's going to be a painful process...
You need to stick with it, it's going to feel horrible doing what it takes,
but after some time it will absolutely get better! I've been there.
Before I share these 4 tips, please share this with one person who needs
this kind of help, they’ll be thankful for you.
4 Tips to help improve you understand your mind more so that
you can improve your mental health (1 is MOST important)
Please know these are super uncomfortable, but important.
1. Write down a list on paper, of everything that you think is causing
you this pain, what’s making you feel this way? Now we’re going to go
very deep here, after writing your reasons, you're going to question it 5 times
and find the root cause. Question why it’s causing you pain and answer
with your best knowledge, repeat this process 5 times for the same reason.
2. Meditation – 5 Minutes daily (To bring the mind to stillness)
3. Improve Your Self Respect – Do 1 small action at a time that you respect daily
(Picking up rubbish off ground, cleaning your room etc)
4. Journaling – Every night, write down the emotions of your day, and why
you think you had those emotions, start unpacking them and finding out what
made you feel that way, what did you do, or where were you.
Understand yourself more and more.
Do number 1 once, or as many times as you feel.
Do numbers 2,3 and 4 daily. Within 4 weeks you will already notice an improvement!
Share this with just 1 person who may need it
but hasn’t said anything about it to you
and please DM Me if you need someone to talk about it to!
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