This week we round out our prepping basics series by taking a look under the hood of the "novel" Coronavirus to figure out if we're all gonna die...or all gonna make it. We also discuss that most of our audience is surprisingly unmarried without kids and what it means for the show, dealing stoically with a miscarriage, and then everything goes to hell in the second hour. Come with us if you want to live!
Break track: From 1987, "Time Stand Still" by Rush. F for Neil Peart
Closing track: From 1970, "Lady in Black" by Uriah Heep
If you'd like to donate to the show, please drop us a line to [email protected]. We're sincerely grateful.
The bag doesn’t matter, it doesn’t have to be tactical or even expensive. Think function over style. Look to maximize space and the ability to safely store the items needed. Pharmacy contents should be considered in terms of severity
1) Medical- Cuts, bumps, bruises, upset stomach, the usual stuff that your parents always seemed to have medications or interventions on hand.
2) Two is one, one is none. Consider the group of people you’re riding with and cover each one of them.
3) Contents:
-Eye protection and N95 Masks (check box for the filter quality, must be N95)
-Advil (Motrin for kids)
-Aspirin (Adult and baby)
-Allergy medication (Allegra, etc)
-Neosporin or antibiotic ointment
-benadryl or cortisone cream
-Hand Sanitizer
-Contractor Trash Bags
-Rubber bands or closures for bags
-Eyedrops (allergy and lubricating)
-2 gallons of water
-antibacterial soap
-wet wipes
-various bandaids and tape for minor cuts
Keep an inventory and rotate it. If you or your family has specific chronic conditions (Asthma, diabetes, cardiac, etc) keep your meds handy and train other people on your condition, treatment, and signs and symptoms.
We love ya fam, and we'll talk to you next week.