Raksha Doddabele:
Welcome to the Gear Up podcast hosted by the Career Center. My name is Raksha Doddabele, and I'm here with a former Duke alum who is going to talk to us about his experiences. So I'll let you go ahead and introduce yourself.
Serges Himbaza:
Hi, my name is Serges, and I am class of 2017. I'm an entrepreneur, both in software development as well as in entertainment.
Raksha Doddabele:
That's awesome. Thank you so much for being with us here today. So first I want to just hear a little bit about what you currently do and how you found your way into your current role, if you could tell us about that?
Serges Himbaza:
I started off at Microsoft and loved that experience. I saw an opportunity to have a little bit more impact running my own company, so started a software development company as well as also an entertainment company, just because all my time at Duke, I'd always loved telling stories, loved creating. So I run those two companies.
On the software side, we build solutions for businesses, so in insurance, things like that. And then on the entertainment side, we primarily work with really incredible top-40 artists, as well as we run a film project. We partner with film production companies, and we essentially run those projects. So I guess I'm a film producer as well in there somewhere.
Raksha Doddabele:
Serges Himbaza:
So we have a couple of projects that just came out in 2020, and we have a few more products coming out in 2021 as well.
Raksha Doddabele:
That's amazing. I feel like that's a kind of a dream of a lot of Duke students, to make their way as an entrepreneur, but obviously it's not always an easy path.
Serges Himbaza:
Raksha Doddabele:
So it'd be great if you could just talk a bit about the process of starting your own companies and the challenges that came with that.
Serges Himbaza:
Yeah. So there's no perfect way to do it. At least, I don't know of a perfect way to do it. I actually started helping clients in my off hours while I was still at work. I kind of pretty quickly, as I was working at the company, I knew that I wanted to at least try starting my own company. So anytime I had free time, things like that, was really dedicated towards building up a portfolio of clients.
And then there's a point at which you have enough clients, there's enough work, that it makes sense to shift over, and you're able to build a team. I think one of the things that I did initially was I wanted to build the team first, and not necessarily have the work kind of lead that process. So yeah, built the team, got the clients, and then after that, moved on.
And secretly throughout that whole process, was connecting with the film community out here in Dallas and just loving the work that's being put out, supporting projects that I could. And then that's when the entertainment side started really taking fruition. I saw a chance to really build something that's unique in this community, and that's just the opportunity for talented filmmakers to be able tell their stories, and specifically underrepresented filmmakers to be able to tell their stories.
So those things, strangely enough, happened simultaneously, and I've kind of been balancing and trying to make sure that both get to see the light of day. So it's been a lot of fun.
Raksha Doddabele:
So how did your career path and aspirations change throughout your four years at Duke? Because clearly you started off going into Microsoft, but you really pivoted into owning your own companies now.
Serges Himbaza:
Yeah. Strangely enough, I was an econ major, which meant that I either wanted to be a consultant or a banker. It's kind of the stereotypical role. And really just talking with people about what banking looked like, I was like, "That's not for me. That's not interesting to me."
So sort of thought about consulting as well, but I was just more interested in, honestly, the possibilities in technology, so that's where I went initiall