Cydni Tetro is a nationally renowned technology leader, record-breaking fundraiser, and consumer visionary. She has extensive experience founding and scaling businesses, creating technology innovations, building and launching products, and trailblazing paths for women in tech.
Here's what you're going to learn from Cydni Tetro:
How to leverage effective storytelling to craft a compelling brand narrative.
How to cultivate what Cydni terms as a "Deal Sense" to close more deals.
How to recognize when it's time to take a step back and hand over the reins to a dynamic CEO.
How Cydni and her team boosted revenues by an astonishing 7000% within a year.
How to strategize for customer acquisition, especially when working from zero to a very low budget.
How to consider pricing as an entrepreneur, ensuring competitiveness while keeping your unit economics viable.
How to approach and persuade investors about the potential and profitability of your business.Get 5-Min Growth Playbooks Weekly HERE