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In this episode, Mark and John discuss Christ's role as Lamb, Life, Liberator, and Leader. The guys show the Romans Road for Discipleship Counseling outlined in the Old Testament, Romans, and the Book of Ephesians. This podcast helps to see how Grace Fellowship International plays a part in the church and counseling. Dr. Solomon would say that when a lost person comes to the church, we take them to the cross. However, when a Christian comes to the church with issues, we give them a referral. Christ and the Cross is the answer for everyone! The truth sets us free from the deceptions that have bound us. Do not let the world press you into its mold. Everyone needs grace discipleship. Toward the end of the podcast, Dr. John tells the parable of the sailboat. Rowing a boat with the anchor set is defeat, and we must hoist the sail, which is our identification in Christ. We are set free when the anchor is pulled. Christ is our power and freedom.
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Cultivating a NEW Marriage Episode 19.
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