Karen became self employed 2.5 years ago, having previously worked for 12 years at a content creation company in a senior role. Her time running Goodness Marketing has been challenging, but she's thoroughly enjoying doing 'good' in the world which is a key value of hers.
Apart from making an impact in her work, she is very involved in community events, political protests, panels etc. Her energy, commitment and enthusiasm is inspiring. We also talk about the events that Karen and I run together and the magic we both love putting out into the world.
If you'd like to follow Karen she's:
on Instagram: @goodnessmarketing
On Twitter: @webber_karen
And her website is: goodnessmarketing.co.uk
And if you'd like to get in touch with me, Katya Willems, you can find me:
On Instagram:@easyinstamcr
On Twitter: @easyinstamcr
On my website: easyinstamcr.com