Oooops! I just realized this episode never went out on 8/12, so here it is now....
Have you ever found yourself lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life, forgetting to take a moment to just breathe? We've all been there, and it's in those moments that the power of mindfulness can truly transform your life.
Join us on this heart-centered journey as we reveal how to harness the profound practice of mindfulness and bring it into the everyday. You'll discover how to tap into a state of peaceful, present being, employing tools such as the a 5-senses check-in.
We also talk about how mindfulness can transcend the meditation mat and imbue every aspect of our lives, connecting us to our sense of connection to Divine in the present moment.
Click here to learn more about Thich Nhat Hahn's incredible book, Peace Is Every Step.
At the end of the episode, Ramtin leads you through a pranayam for cooling the mind and body, and we also share how you can work 1-1 with Ramtin. Click here to learn more about Spiritual Counseling with Ramtin.
With Love,
Jen & Ramtin